Bus Passes on Your Phone
Download Now
For iOS and Android


Token Transit lets you ride public transit with ease and convenience. Pay with your credit, debit or commuter benefits card and always have your pass with you.

Use the Token Transit app in over 75 cities across the United States and Canada. If you cannot use Token Transit yet, do not worry you will be able to soon!


1. Purchase

Select any fare type you like, from a single ride to a monthly pass.

2. Activate

When you are ready to ride, tap your pass to activate. Your phone holds all your passes.

3. Ride

As you board the bus, show the driver your digital ticket.



We are available to help you anytime, anywhere.



Purchase a pass online and send it directly to a mobile phone.

Send a Pass


Learn more about working with Token Transit and get in touch with our team.

Learn More
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